BL Live-Action: Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra (Fujimi Orchestra) Movie~!

Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra / Fujimi Orchestra (富士見二丁目交響楽団 寒冷前線コンダクター) written by Akizuki Koh has now been adapted into live-action film!!! It will be released on theaters (Japan) this year February (*///u///* )

¤ CAST ¤
高崎翔太 / Takasaki Shouta
新井裕介 / Arai Yuusuke
岩田さゆり / Iwata Sayuri
林 明寛 / Hayashi Akihiro
馬場良馬 / Baba Ryouma
NAOTO(ゲスト出演) / NAOTO (guest appearance)
木下ほうか / Kinoshita Houka
宮川一朗太 / Miyakawa Ichirouta
徳井 優 / Tokui Yuu
国広富之 / Kunihiro Tomoyuki

//Warning: for BL fans ONLY//

Check out the official site for more movie info:

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Fujimi Orchestra is a Boy's Love (yaoi) Japanese novel series that has also had a manga and an anime Original Video Animation created for it. Fujimi Block No. 2 Symphony Orchestra (富士見二丁目交響楽団), written by Akizuki Koh (秋月こお), is a Japanese yaoi novel series featuring an amateur orchestra, its concertmaster and its conductor. Tonoin Kei, a musical genius who has studied extensively in the area of conducting, falls in love at first sight (or sound, as it were) with a music teacher, Morimura Yuuki. Morimura also happens to act as the concertmaster for a small amateur orchestra that meets three times a week at the Fujimi Civic Center. Morimura is in love with Kawashima Natsuko, a female flutist in the orchestra, but Kawashima falls for Tonoin when he joins to act as the group's new conductor in order to get closer to Morimura. -wp