Attack on Titan : Wings of Freedom (PS3) - Story/Attack Mode DONE!!!

I just finished Attack on Titan Wings of Freedom - Story/Attack Mode on PS3!!! (@A@!!=TTAT) My final mission was similar to the last episode of AOT anime season 1 where titan Eren fought titan Annie inside Stohess District, I became titan Eren once again and cleanly defeated titan Annie with 3x S-score!! ^////w////^)v Then the credits roll, and i thought "Its not enough!!! >A<)" but then there was a next stage where eren is still the chara and i was like "there's more?!!! *//A//*) So i'm gonna continue playing the Story Mode and see!! ♥////w////♥) Oh! its an Epilogue mission called "The Mysterious Abnormal" that showed the ape titan as enemy, and the story was different and didnt happen in the anime nor the manga. !!0A0) I was scared to battle the ape titan at 1st good thing it has weakness! and it was a firebomb item that when thrown at it burns off its fur!! That is uber for you, you bad enemy ape!!! #+AAA+)/)
PS. Uaahh!! i can finally play Erwin!!! >//////Q///////<)♥♥♥♥♥♥