The megane uber genius blood scientist, he's Moriya Keiichi (MC)'s senpai~♥
I'm not sure if he's a human or a vampire or half-human/half-vampire, will find out soon~!! (*W*) But he surely is uber obsessed with Keiichi ^W^) Aoi-senpai is soo luuvable~!! >///w///<)♥
// Warning: may contain Spoilers below. //
Aoi is a Beta (β). While Keiichi was natural born Beta (β) but suddenly changed to Omega (Ω) due to of Aoi's experiment in his body when he got in an extreme accident *A*) Keiichi also becomes Alpha (α) when he drinks human blood~! So Keiichi have all 3 kinds of elements (α, β, Ω) and he's half-human/vampire >///w//<)♥♥ Soo nice MC~!!