Anime: 91 Days!!!

Just finished "91 Days" anime. I thought I wouldnt get feels about this, and I know Avilio(Angelo) x Corteo should be the main ship but....... I want Avilio(Angelo) x Nero together~!!  eventhough their situation is super uber complicated!! But they should be given a chance to both forgive each other and love and live for each other~!!! {bec imho Avilio had shown care for Nero, and everyone also hinted about Nero becoming crazy bec of Avilio = meaning there's luuv-reciprocity!!! They hit me with uber feelsaaaaaaahhhhhh~~~!!!!} Eventhough the ending wasnt clear, i will believe in them forever~~!!! Now, please give me a doujin or fanfic of them. Me need it pretty baaaaaaad~!!! I will never move on!!!! *cries ocean & adds them to Forever-Ship-List!!!* TTTAAAAATTTTT